April 26, 2012

$60 Blog Giveaway of Mommy's Infodose

Blog contest, paypal giveaway
Hello, just got back my ass off after a trip in the city, and by opening my FB account I decided to join the blog giveaway of my fellow blogger in the group. Joining is easy and it takes only a minute to just made a several clicks on the rafflecopter and that's it, but I decided to blog about it since I can have an extra 10 points in winning the awesome prize of $60 (I want to win because I need to funds my Paypal) and if ever she likes the way I blog about this there's another chance of me to win another $15 by just sharing her blog contest here. 

There are a few reason why I love to share a blog's contest, one of the reason is: it's a good filler. I manage four blogs and I find it hard to update each one of them regularly since some of them are in niche blogs. If you were a blogger you  know probably how important to regularly update your blog, especially if you are earning from it. A blog that doesn't move for almost a week can make your visitors go away as of my experience, so I advice you that whenever you can, try to update it. My second reason probably is for contextual advertising like infolinks and adsense. In my experience every-time I stop and so the earnings from them too.

So if you want to join the contest and win a $60 go to Mommy's Infodose link, blogging about it is just an optional but it will give you more chance to win, plus a chance to be chosen the best blog post for $15. Good luck!

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