![infolinks earning](http://blog.infolinks.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/demo-bubble.jpg)
This is the update from my recently installed script of Infolinks. Well looks like it will stay on my three blogs the daily earnings are quite progressing, yet slow but surely good than nothing at all. The infolinks keeps on giving me a cents everyday though sometimes I also get zero in a day.
![infolinks earning](http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/396461_2749708301516_1221853344_32175640_1245753974_n.jpg)
So far the latest earning of my blogs was 63 cents, 10 days after I install it. Let's wait after the end of March, how much it will accumulated its earning.
Congrats friend, I know you can make a cashout asap!